公司品牌: 能伏机电
产品简介: 适用于发电机在运行时发生单相接地故障,当故障点出现弧光接地时会进一步扩大定子绕组绝缘损害范围,造成相间或匝间短路。通常发电机中性点采用高阻接地。
产品简介 Product synopsis
It is suitable for single-phase grounding fault of generator during operation. When arc grounding occurs at the fault point, the insulation damage range of stator winding will be further expanded, resulting in inter-phase or inter-turn short circuit. Generally, the generator neutral point is grounded with high resistance.
型号含义 Model meaning
结构特点 Structure feature
1、产品采用不锈钢材质镍铬合金或非金属材质,其电导率高,温度系数高,较高可耐 1600℃的高温,稳定性好;
4、可配置环氧树脂浇注干式接地变压器、零序 CT、单相隔离开关,电阻器在线监测装置,加热器以及温湿度控制器等,可有效监控
1. The products are made of high-quality stainless steel, nickel-chromium alloy or nonmetal material, which has high conductivity, high
temperature coefficient, high temperature resistance up to 1600℃ and good stability;
2. The grounding transformer in the cabinet adopts dry-type transformer with large capacity and impact resistance;
3. Professional protection to avoid burning out the generator core and reduce the damage of the core when the generator stator winding is
4. Epoxy resin cast dry-type grounding transformer, zero-sequence CT, single-phase isolating switch, resistor online monitoring device, heater
and temperature and humidity controller can be configured, which can effectively monitor the current and voltage of grounding fault, and provide
switching value and alarm contact.
技术参数 Technical parameter
接线原理图 Wiring schematic
1、发电机中性点经单相接地高阻接地(如图 1)
1. The neutral point of the generator is grounded by single-phase grounding with high resistance (as shown in Figure 1)
2、发电机中性点直接经高阻接地(如图 2)
2. The neutral point of the generator is directly grounded through high resistance (as shown in Figure 2)
选型参数 Selection Parameters
CT、接地变压器容量,隔离开关,智能监控器可选,(如带开关设备,通电时间 >10 秒时,箱体尺寸需另外调整)
CT, grounding transformer capacity, isolating switch and intelligent monitor are optional (if switch equipment is provided, the box size needs to
be adjusted separately when the power-on time is more than 10 seconds)
Note: Products with special parameters are designed and produced according to user requirements
典型案例 Typical Case